Personally I don't believe it, that is that the god particle is the smallest thing nature does. Acocording to Nassim Haramein in the video "The Black Whole) he believes that nature can always divide farther . Not that I don't believe in science -I do , however at this paticular time in history I think they ( tptb) have a whole lot riding on the perceptions that they can create in the world at large. If they can make this claim, it furthers their goal of separating the people from the belief in higher powers, AKA the Father of the Light- not necessaily an old man with flowing long whie hair as depicted in the Sistine Chapel.
An Interesting point that he brings out in this video is that from the smallest small to the largest large , man as far as size goes is excatly at the center if plotted on a linear line from largest to smallest., he calls this the" event horizon", that is the point where it is all happening .