According to this story from Phyllis Schlafly on the Eagle Forum, for the first time in America’s history, all 18 year old women will be required to register for the draft. Soon, women who are still in high school and their first year of college will have to be ready to receive a letter from the Selective Service telling them they’re required to report for military duty. Soon, 18 year old women who have just begun their lives will have to kill real people and bleed real blood. Is this the way we indoctrinate the future into an endless war? Start with video games and then give young girls the taste for blood. What has America come to? Meanwhile, just days ago, Barack Obama signed the Violence Against Womens Act as shown on the whitehouse YouTube Channel in the video below. Where are Mr. Obama’s priorities? Don’t these two acts contradict each other? From Phyllis’s report with much more at link. more)