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Vaccine industry in panic over global effort to remove all mercury from vaccines
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Published: 11 y

Vaccine industry in panic over global effort to remove all mercury from vaccines

The controversy regarding the continued use of mercury in some vaccines, despite the element’s proven toxicity, is coming to a head as the United Nations (UN) considers the passage of a new treaty that would outlaw the use of mercury in medicines worldwide. According to a recent report compiled by consumer advocate Tim Bolen, the vaccine industry is in a panic over this impending ban, as it could spell the end of the vaccine industry as we know it.

Even though Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative that has been used in vaccines since the 1930s, is said to have been largely phased out of most vaccines, particularly those intended for young children, many vaccines, including the flu vaccine, still contain it. This means that millions of children are still being injected with a known neurotoxin that for no legitimate reason continues to be used in the production of vaccines for the convenience of the vaccine more)


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