There are only a very few people here on this forum who have done their research on iodine. For more honest info on the well-known and widespread historic medicinal use of lugol's iodine(which should convince most of you) -- see the following links. This should help to quench fears about supplementing lugol's iodine at larger dose:
The History of Use of Medicinal Iodine -- Part 1
The History of Use of Medicinal Iodine -- Part 2
The History of Use of Medicinal Iodine -- Part 3
And for all you people out there still suffering from galloping iodophobia:
Dr Guy Abraham's Absolute Rebuttal of the Wolf-Chaikoff Report.
And here is some detailed research, which might surprise some, that explains exactly why iodine (as well as chlorides) are so essential to the immune system to generate hypochlorous and hypoididic acids for the phagocytic "respiratory burst" immune system defense described in the research link below.
Myeloperoxidase -- Halide -- Hydrogen Peroxide antimicrobial system of the human immune system
Odd also from the historic research above, that people were able to take more than 300 drops of lugols iodine per day for their ailments without any problems whatsoever, whereas people in the modern west today can barely take one or two drops of iodine before they get racing heart, anxiety and insomnia etc. I've treated people in the US, Europe, Asia and the Middle East for candida problems with lugol's iodine as the mainstay in the anti-candida protocol. I recommend that candida sufferers take at least 8 to 16 drops in 4 split doses per day. I have had a couple of people -- from Indonesia, Pakistan and the Philippines -- take over 30 drops of 5% Lugol's Iodine PER DAY without a problem. So why is it that people in the West can barely supplement one or two drops of iodine without having such peculiar symptoms?
The answer is relatively simple. Our processed food diets today are hugely different to pre-WW2 diets and significantly different to the simpler primitive diets -- which were more natural. After the 1960s was when processed food, vaccines, chemical farming, chemical sewage and chemical drinking water, Monsanto and the drugs companies really came into their own and everything changed for the worst. So, in the west, we now eat far more pesticides, heavy metals, chlorine, fluorine and bromine as well as other poisons in our diets on a daily basis than we ever did in the pre-war years. Primitive countries also eat much more natural food grown on far healthier unpolluted soils.
Unfortunately, Lugols Iodine is one heck of a good detoxer as well. It can detox aluminium, lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic from the body. Iodine can also detox fluorine and bromine from our bodies as well as a range of other poisons. But when iodine takes these poisons out of our cells - it just dumps them into the blood, then it is up to your innefficient and stressed liver and kidneys to get rid of them. This is why western folk, who are chock-a-block full of pollutants, get weird symptoms from taking lugols iodine -- because their liver and kidneys simply cannot cope with the volume of poisons quickly enough in their system and so these poisons just keep circulating and being redistributed throughout our bodies in the blood causing other strange symptoms.
So there's nothing wrong with taking higher amounts of iodine -- the fault really lies squarely with our poor processed food diets in the west.
For the last 7 years I have also been taking 6 to 8 drops of lugols iodine a day(50 mgs) in split doses without any problems at all. And just as a test I increased my dose to 16 drops a day for a week to see if there would be an problems. I had no problems. I was using 5% lugols iodine. And bye the way, for the last 7 years I have not had a cold or flu or any other serious disease or illness and I'm 62 y. o.
The other problem with supplementing larger mg amounts of LI is lack of anti-oxidants in the natural diet. The full Iodine Protocol will remove most of the problems with supplementing higher dose iodine. See and read this link for the proper Iodine Protocol:
The Iodine Protocol
Iodine is needed in microgram amounts for the thyroid,
mg amounts for breast and other tissues, and can
be used therapeutically in gram amounts
Dr. David Miller