need wisdom and comfort from my curezone buddies. dr. wants to extract last 2 wisdom teeth left side.
Have been in the dentist chair all my life it feels like. trying to take care of what I have...scared to go in for extraction of last 2 wisdom teeth as that's when health began deteriorating 7 years ago and went thru
Depression as well.
20 years ago had all my silver fillings removed except the upper left wisdom tooth. lower wisdom tooth is cracked. when they went in to try and root canal, I went thru the roof w. pain and have been on
Antibiotics and dolabid for the last week. the dolabid is horrible. would really like to get off it but the nurse assures me it's the only reason I'm not in severe pain. anyone know about dolabid? thanks
been slowing learning the weston price diet, but how can I do it with no source of raw milk or goat milk in available?
any ideas on how to proceed without these?
I have been oil pulling, plus a diet of mostly 'daniel food'
lentils and rice, soups, some salmon 2-3 x a month and eggs. greens and green drinks and some flax.
had 2 wisdom teeth pulled on right side 7 years ago and that's when my health and emotions began to crumble and my bite got dislodged a little which distressed me emotionally as I am a singer.
now wisdom teeth hurt on left side and must pull lower one as dentist tried to
root canal it and it fractured.
Antibiotics and treatment later, it will be extracted soon. trying to decide if I should be sedated or be awake w/ only local lidocaine. if any one has opinions on this, I'd be grateful.
spoke with wonderful dentist I just found in nebraska, Dr. Manhart (I'm in O'ahu). Dr. Manhart advises keeping your wisdom teeth if at all possible. He says the wisdom teeth are the 'bookend's for our mouth and do keep everything in place which I can attest to have lost 2 on right side. that's when everything in my mouth started changing- bite changed -even my speech has changed. I am working to restore this and any wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
and sells some very inexpensive calcium chips and brushing solution that have testimonials from patients as having 'healed' some dental situations. I don't want to misquote Dr. Manhart's work so go to his site for more details.