Re: Why our MDs are no help
Here here. It's refreshing to hear something like this from a nurse of all people. It's sad that people don't stop to question anything anyone of authority, especially doctors, seem to tell them. Sometimes it just takes that little bit of common sense to say to yourself alright, I know I'm sick and this is a doctor who probably has a lot more experience than I do in illnesses, but in the end s/he are only human, and they do make mistakes. With the internet, just about everything you need these days, all those vaults of information about your health are online. If you can't be bothered to take a moment out of your day to research whatever ails you and make a concious effort towards fixing your own health, then like most people, you end up suffering the consequenes. I've seen people with supposed irreversible conditions just sit there and accept whatever their doctors say and carry on life with whatever plagues them not making any effort to try fix things for themselves, not realising that whatever affliction they have might have the simplest of cures.
The worst part however, is trying to explain to someone that yes, meds do work, but not when you've been in to see a doctor whose spent all of 5 minutes on you as he's in a rush to get to 1 of the roomfull of patients pandering outside his door, and randomly decides to throw you a prescription for whatever guess he's decided to make that day.
Hey your legs broken, well I had cheerios this morning, here, take a prescription of anti-acids.
Honestly sometimes it really does feel like russian roulette. I walked into the doctors @ one point with a list of about 13 symptoms that included passing blood and mucous in stool, having the runs for about 5 months, losing 30 lbs in 2 months, terrible pain in my liver/abd. area; and believe me I'm honestly not making this up, but this is a list of a few of the replies I've had over the 6 months I was ill;
Doctor 1: Yea, I think you have a psychological problem
Doctor 2: Do you hear voices in your head, are they telling you that you are sick and that you have a parasitic infestation
(Harvard Graduate)Doctor 3: Here are some anti-psychotics, I want you take these for about 2 months and if your still passing blood and mucous come back and I'll see what I can do for you
Doctor 4: Do you have tendencies to kill yourself sometimes
Doctor 5: You have a malnutrition problem
Serious ? I mean I certainly had a malnutrition problem, while I'm at it I also had a runs problem, a coughing up blood problem, a fatigue problem, etc etc...but out of all of these, I think my biggest problem was listening to some idiot try to sell me what was wrong with me. I mean this is the kind of stuff I'de expect to hear on a weeknight watching a comedy show or something.
Honestly, if any of you want your health back, just fight. Fight like hell and don't give up. Keep experimenting and research intelligently. Consider this the greatest life lesson learnt...something's got to give right ?!