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Love the methodical process, and not following the herd
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Love the methodical process, and not following the herd

Thank you for your posts; it's very helpful that you methodically tested out a new idea on yourself. So many people just follow the herd on these forums, I think they forget to try things out on themselves while keeping track of how it affects them. We can all learn from how you found out that something unconventional, blue cheese, actually helps your symptoms. Whether or not this food works for other people, the point is if we notice a trend in our bodies' reactions to something, try it methodically and keep track, even if "the herd of people" all say "it can't be".

Blue cheese is frowned on by many books about candida, but I disagree on banning it for myself anyway: it does not make my gut issues any worse (and I do wait two days after trying something new to evaluate it, as I realize some foods cause delayed reactions. Blue cheese passed that test for me).

And the biggest thing for me is that Blue cheese CLEARS UP gas in the colon for me. It does seem to be a useful tool for me too. Despite it containing molds, which are banned in many candida books.

It doesn't clear my brain fog symptoms up though, like I think you said it does for you. It doesn't make them worse though.

The cultures used to make blue cheese may be some kind of acid-producting (lactobacillus) probiotic, that I think is a different species than that found in yogurt. Maybe that's why it helps some people? Yogurt does not clear up my gut gas issues, blue cheese does.



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