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Re: It's sooo hard to be a smelly person
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Re: It's sooo hard to be a smelly person

Hey there, I also tried going to numerous doctors for Body Odor issues. I think a lot of doctors go by if it's not causing any physical harm, if it's not a disease, don't investigate it. A lot of them don't look at the psychosocial impact in my opinion. I've been told not to shower with soap by 2 doctors and it didn't work but it might be useful if I was having an allergic reaction to soap. Some useful specialists to see for Body Odor include
-gastroenterologist; get tested with hydrogen breath test for fructose, lactose malabsorption and sibo. also get tested for food allergies , maybe colonoscopy and gastroscopy-with biopsy for celiac
-endocrinolgist; say maybe you're having trouble with hyperhydrosis and Body Odor for referral and check for hormones
-gynecologist;if you suspect odor is coming from that area they can do PH test, test for yeast, bacterial vaginosis and stds, pap smear and pelvic exam
-metabolic geneticist; you can get tested at some hospital (you have to research it) for tmau and other metabolic disorders causing body odor as seen on body odor 777
-ENT doctor for bb and sinus problems
I wish we could just go to our gp, explain the symptoms and how it's affecting our life and they do the referrals for us and we didn't have to research our condition and beg for referrals but unfortunately this is not the case many times.
Where is your odor coming from? If it's the armpits you can try Odaban it's supposed to be good for that, you use it at night. I heard black tea also works for you, maybe you could put some in a spray bottle and wipe it off during the day. Liquid chlorophyll and charcoal might also be good for bad breath. You can looks on the mebo website tmau protocol which specifies how to take copper chlorophyllin, acitvated charcoal and riboflavin to help with tmau. You might want to do a few tests on mebo such as the tmau test and gut dysbiosis test (not available yet but soon) you can also try taking some good probiotics like from gnc. I can only speak from my own experience on this issue. You should also get someone to talk to about this problem who will listen and not brush you off such as a psychologist. If it is olfactory resonance syndrome there are treatments for that but if people at work say it to your face and this happens at numerous times and numerous occasions there might be something. Best of luck to you.


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