Re: Bladder infection
A quick scan of your past posts show you also have an issue with kidney stones...and UTI's are very common in that situation.
Why is that? (in a nutshell) - anytime there is any type of 'congestion' anywhere in our bodies, the 'lack of flow' (caused by the congestion) provides the perfect 'feeding & breeding grounds' for pathogens.
kidney stones (fundamentally) are caused when kidneys are compromised/congested, and hence unable to adequately eliminate the debris from the blood that flows through the myriad of ultra-tiny vessels. What can't 'make it's way through' to be eliminated, stays in the kidneys...and that equals congestion (and then more congestion). So any opportunistic pathogen has the perfect place to set up housekeeping...and that infection travels to the bladder/urine = UTI.
Each of should do 'regular maintenance' on all our major organs/systems at least twice a year (even our cars deserve that consideration, eh?). But we don't, and the congestion (which equals a lack of circulation of blood/oxygen/nutrients, and immune cells) eventually catches up with us.
Solution? I suggest starting with two 5-day kidney/bladder cleanses...adding a 3-day "
kidney stone cleanse" to the middle of the second 5-day cleanse.
These are likely the easiest and least troublesome cleanses in the natural healing kingdom. The kidney/bladder cleanse is just a lemon/limeade drink in the morning, followed by 6 cups of kidney/bladder tea (with kidney/bladder tincture mixed in)...and you can put that in a thermous and sip it throughout the day.
You can read all about the herbs, their actions, and how to do these cleanses) (as well as how to adjust your diet to make the cleanses even more effective) here:
You will read that you *must* do a
Colon Cleanse before doing these kidney/bladder cleanses. That is because a common cause of kidney congestion/compromise is the colon pressing against the kidneys (lessening 'flow' throughout the kidneys, and 'squishing' them unnaturally). It is NOT "necessary" to do a
Colon Cleanse before doing a kidney/bladder cleanse...particularly when you're symptomatic and need relief. However, I do suggest (if you haven't done a thorough colon cleanse), that you consider doing one as soon as possible.
There are herbs in the kidney/bladder tea & tincture that combat infection beautifully (and for a simple/random UTI they are generally 'enough'). However, if this is something that is recurring (and since you know you have 'congestion' since you have kidney stones) I strongly suggest you add several cloves of raw garlic daily to your 5-day cleanses (in fact, you could start doing that asap, and likely knock it back)...and a 2oz bottle of Echinacea tincture for each 5-day cleanse for modulating your immune system and giving it the bullets with which to fight.