Re: Any suggestions
wow eleven years thats a long time.
firstly my lips look very much like yours at the current time and to tell you the truth its not that bad. in regards to the peeling i would reccomend peeling after 3 days not 2 as i find the skin is still very much attached and when peeling causes irritation.
i think you right on track with the inflammation. i now and a few others on here think it plays a massive role. it could even be for some of us the main thing casueing our lips not to click into normality.
when you say you saw a piece of white at the very start was it in the centre of the upper lip? also during this time have you gotton married or had a girl friend? becasue your lips dont even look that bad.
also do you get the white lines that appear on the inner side of the lips how do you or did you treat this or stop it?
please share some of your story im sure you would know a fair amount about ec.
thank you for coming and sharing!