And besides big or long stress which could really start AF I always seen infections underlying CFS. I've read somewhere (don't remember where) infections especially chronic ones could "help" Cooper acumulate in the body . Maybe immunity use a lot of zinc so Cooper can take zincs place.
My case have all of these; infections (parasitic bacterial viruses) big long job stress, high carbs diet. Indeed many symptoms overlap but maybe viral is the thing that most Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome people have.
In my country AF and Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome are not recognized at all just as psychiatric disautonomia or depression-anxiety couple. Just as a trivia the only doctors that recognized I have internal problems were 2 psychiatrists !!! who told me I should continue to investigate the real underlying causes of my condition inspite the fact that GP and many gastro send me to psychiatrist. Not saying stress did not exist but reductionism is not efficient for us. One of the psychiatrist was able by reading the tests results and checking me that I have jaundice after a treatment. 3 gastro and GP were telling me it's my imagination. I could be dead now