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Matrix Zombies
glaxony Views: 646
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Matrix Zombies

Matrix Zombies

My first introduction to the word Matrix was when I read the book "The Magical Child" by JC Pearce. His book is about the horrendous way hospitals handle babies when they are born and the importance of changing that practice. Mr. Pearce spent the first chapter explaining how the first safe place that a soul resides is in the matrix, or womb.

The matrix expands when a baby is born and the newborn resides safely in it’s mother’s arms. As the baby grows it’s matrix (protective environment) expands even more as the baby learns how to reside safely in the entire home. Eventually a child ventures out of the home and enters the Earth Matrix. If a child receives all that it needs through all of these transitions, it will feel safe in the world and be an effective productive fearless adult.

Unfortunately, the first disruption of this process is in hospitals at birth. And it has a devastating effect on human potential. Mr Pearce explains why. I highly recommend the book, but that is not what this article is about.

The latin root of the word "Matrix" is mater, meaning mother. It also means source, origin, womb and protective environment. Because I read Magical Child, whenever I hear the word "Matrix" I think of my own mother and Mother Earth. I feel comforted. Lady Gaia will provide us with all the resources we need to survive and thrive, if we honor her and treat her with respect.

When I heard there was a movie called "THE MATRIX" I was eager to see it because I thought it was going to be about how Mother Earth will protect us from the dangerous dragnet that is being used to seine this planet and harvest souls. I was shocked and troubled to discover that Hollywood hijacked the word "Matrix" and perverted it. I left extremely disappointed and did not see the rest of the trilogy. Unfortunately too many people did and the series has cast a Tower of Babel spell on our culture.

Most people I know cringe and feel uneasy when they hear the word "Matrix" because the movie concept has become a meme and the word is a sound byte. If people knew the origin of the word and root meaning, they would be surprised. I feel confused when people tell me that I am in the "matrix" because the truth of the matter is that Earth Energy is the Matrix. She is our Mother. The energy that sustains her is the source that sustains us. She can protect us from that which the movie was about.

Why did Hollywood name the movie "The Matrix"? Was it a horrendous misnomer? Was the intention to confuse people? Is the insinuation that Gaia has an oppressive spirit?  The name of that movie should have been "Seine" or "Dragnet" or "Opposing Force" or "Drain Game" or “Wevil Web” or “Soul Catcher”!

The energy that opposes this planet’s loving goodness, and her wish for the well being of those who live here consciously as care takers, is not the source of our being. It is not a womb. Nor is it a protective environment. It is not our mother, either. The oppressive force did not give birth to the humanity it is consuming. It is exactly the opposite of a matrix. It is an exploitive alien energetic vortex that feeds off human suffering. And that process begins in hospitals when mothers sign birth certificates for their newborn babes.

There are people who think I am stupid because the first few times I was told that I was “caught up in the Matrix” I smiled and said “Thank You!” I thought they were reminding me that we are safe and protected in the matrix of our dear Mother Earth and I have no need to be distressed about anything. Eventually I realized people were referring to that dumb Hollywood movie concept and they were hurling insults.  

None the less, my gut instinct whenever I hear the word "matrix" remains true to the reality of what the word means. It troubles me that so many people have no idea the latin root of the word "matrix" is “mater”, which means mother, womb, source energy and protective environment. I feel even more troubled that Hollywood perverted the concept and gave the word “matrix” a negative connotation. The gobblesome energy in that movie is no source of anything alive or good. There is nothing protective about it.

Having to do a mental translation whenever the word "matrix" is being used in the negative context, in order to prevent people from presuming that I am retarded, is especially tedious when it is they, who are ignorant.

I am sure that everyone who has accepted and integrated the entire Hollywood movie concept, would likely feel just as burdened as I do, if suddenly they had to change an rely on the real meaning of the word. I don't expect anybody to change. I would simply like for everybody to understand why I choose to say “thank you” when people say I am caught up in the matrix. It is because I am smart enough to know what the word really means.


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