Re: Far infrared Sauna
Hi G,
Sounds like you are not doing so well and I am sorry to hear that.
I understand your point when it comes to money esp. when you don't have it and you are very sick.
I didn't want to spend thousands of dollars that we had saved, but because I was dying fast I didn't have a choice.
FIR was one thing that made a major difference for me since I was covered with large wounds that wouldn't heal.
They were filled with fibers and I had vibrations and biting sensations all over.
It was tormenting. No more is needed to say since we all have our tormenting stories.
I chose to trust Dr. Staninger esp. after I spoke to other families who had recovered with her help.She is far from perfect like the rest of us, but I am alive today because of her.
I don't see a need to defend her, but I will stand by the truth and that is what happened.
It is tempting to just go on with my life now that I am better, but I can't because I know there are too many people suffering with this man made plague.
Dr. Staninger's protocol no doubt is not the only thing that works and I found many other things useful.
Mainly correcting my bad eating habits and using aggressive detoxification.
FIR was part of that approach. By using MPS FIR, My wounds healed up within about 2-3 weeks and they have never come back.
That was about 3 yrs. ago. There may be other FIR that works, but I didn't have time and I didn't want to take the risk of it not working.
While I don't have all the answers regarding how to get well, I do have some and I understand what Morgellons is somewhat.
I am willing to help and be helped with those who can work together with love, respect and a genuine caring for each other.
I hope you find your way to regaining your health.
God bless you