Great information. First off, I'm hypersensitive to chemicals etc...I'm a slim vegan so when I asked my GI doctor if I could forgo the laxatives and just get a colonic, prior to the procedure. He told me, " that colonics was not through enough and that he really needed to be sure that the entire colon was completely clean so that he could get a clear picture of the colon so the results of the tests are as close to accurate as we can get." So, then I asked my doctor what if I skipped the laxative, Colyte and just went on a seven day juice fast ( which is super easy for me to do) and had a colonic one day prior to the colonscopy. He smiled and said NO!LOL I just did it his way. However, I still think that colonics seems so cleansing and so easy to have done why not just use it if it reaps the same benefits. What I quickly, realized is doctors opinions vary regarding the same procedures or even illnesses.