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Re: should I just have teeth removed
joegrane Views: 2,740
Published: 12 y
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Re: should I just have teeth removed

You would get the fillings out because you don't want additional exposure to mercury vapor.

Boyd Haley debunks the ADA claim: Only minute amounts of mercury are released from amalgam

Smooking tooth video.

Explanation of the video by Boyd Haley, PhD Chemistry!

Video from U of Calgary of neuron cell membrane damage e

Boyd Haley, former chairman of the chem dept at the U of KY
explains more of the related chemistry & links to neurological illnesses.

When you take a mercury chelator for detox it will get into saliva and enable more of the Hg to get absorbed into the body. Andy Cutler and Dr Dan Pompa discuss that in this audio interview.

Hg fouls up the immune system. There is no quick fix when a person has been struggling for a long time, but over time people report that their gut problems get better.




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