Thought manifestation, giants and gregorian, watchers
I believe there is truth to the 1/3rd of angels fell and followed evil, satan and 2/3rds of the angels did not rebel against all good Mother Father God. The talent of the angel, good and fallen is manifestation of projected thought. Good angels create good thought forms which become good fruits. evil, fallen angels create bad thought forms which we see on fake mechanically dispatched violent and evil tv programing and movies, to see how many good they can misinform and mislead into following the devils lies, we also see evil fruits in evil motive people and good fruits in good motive people.
devils behind the vatican in 325AD edited out the true names of these angels and called them gregor, gregorian, watchers, lords, angels, giants, gerber, nephilim blurring the distinction between good and bad.... remember the devil/masons/vatican wants bad to mean good and good to mean bad.... the new testament named the fallen angels as devils and the old testament and new testament names some of the good angels and bad ones.
We are all decendants of these angels and it is up to each one of us how we use the THOUGHT PROJECTOR in our minds. Another theory is the crystaline rings around saturn are a giant floppy disk that records our every thought, so our karma accounts, saturn, the grim reaper brings home to roost every thought we think while on earth and this is how we reap what we sow and even reap and are held accountable in the balance for even the thoughts we think. See: or try: earlier posted link, We're running on Holocene Software... to msn group and click CELESTIAL and link to Egregore Thought-Forms.
clean diet will help you clean your internal projector, to use for good. evil can not thought manifest, it needs a medium like tv or rags or lying devil spin jocks or powerless forceless devil pawns that have ZERO power and ZERO true force against any of Gods children. Good motive can travel across the earth in seconds and move continents, evil motives can not, evil falls out of airplanes and gets hit by lightening, due to being consumed by its own evil motives.
If you use your projector for negative, only you will reap the negative as evil has no true force against all good Mother Father God and, evil destroys itself. This is what the devil does not want you to know about your power as Gods all good children.
All good children of all good Mother Father God have more power in one baby finger then satans entire fallen powerless army could ever dream of having. Rebuke the defeated adversary and know your true heritage as Mother Father Gods all good children.