Hi i need some help. For the past month i have had alot of spots coming up on my body mainly face, feet and private parts. They sometimes look like boils or ingrown hairs or a pimple with a white top they are very sore and extremely itchy. These spots are taking along time to heal and i feel as if i am being bitten by something. Since 2 weeks ago i have been having this sensation of things crawling on my skin mainly my face i have been getting tiny black spots, small egg like white dots and small hard crystal looking specks coming out of my skin. When i feel like something is crawling on me i wipe it with my had and i see a tiny blck dot every time, When i look at my arm hairs it seems like i have tiny eggs stuck to the hair. Now my face is so dry it feels like sandpaper i am going crazy i hate itching and just want this to stop i feel as if i am losing my mind . I have thoroughly cleaned my house and mattresses i continue to wash anything i have worn in hot water i change my bedding everyday and i have used headlice treatment, i have used Quellada twice, Benzemul twice i have covered my self in olive oil and tea tree i have also used straight tea tree oil. I an now at a point where i don't know what else to do.