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A beautiful story
intoyourhands13 Views: 334
Published: 12 y

A beautiful story

On suffering

A shepherder each day tends to his flock and each day one of his sheep would run off the edge of a cliff in the mountains and almost fall off.
Each day the shepherd would pull it back but the sheep would run away again to the edge of the cliff.

Finally the shepherd broke its leg,knowingly it is painful,but it prevented the sheep from walking.

Each day though he would pick up that sheep, carry it across his shoulders as he went into the field. The sheep was still allowed to be outside, they bonded,and the sheep became dependent on the herder.

In the end, the sheep healed, walked again, they were closer than ever. the end

Who wants illness? Embrace it, carry your cross, suffering brings us closer to God.

I know we are living in tough times but in the end the Blessed Mother will Triumph, Jesus will reign, SAtan will be bound for eternity. The world will join the heavens and it will be as it was meant to be, from the beginning.

Fortitude, ask for this that we stand strong (from His wounds), united, and keep our goal in mind.
Live a simple life
God is waiting for us in our church to visit. Seek not money, health, but Heaven..this is where happiness is..

Paraphrased, copied from a seer
Trust in God , He knows our intentions, let go and Trust.

Do not be afraid of what is to come..have faith



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