Want to start IP/Juice Fast: Need Advice
After continued struggles and basically just not getting my health back after many surgeries/health issues in the past few years I want to embark on a 30 day juice fast which I think is the incurables program. I have reviewed the site a lot reading lots of IP pages and also my notes from previous posts but I could really use some input/advice. I have listed below what I think I need to do along with some questions. I know this is a lot but I am really desperate for some help. I really feel I need to do this to get my health back. I have tried to figure this out on my own but have not been able to work it all out. I know everyone is different but I would greatly appreciate thoughts and if I am correct in my thinking. Once this is worked out I can place my order and get started.
In the past year or so I have continued with Superfood (6T/daily), Echinacea, CEs, sometimes Ashwagandha (about to start again), two cloves of raw garlic daily, juice or green smoothie daily, drinking distilled water, bee pollen, flax seed, eating dairy free, 90% vegetarian and organic and a good bit raw
Here is what I are my thoughts/questions:
-- Colon Cleansing before the juice fast. On the site I read you are to do 30 days before the fast but I also had notes on it being two weeks so I am not sure. I have continued with CEs at least 3x week or more. I have about 1 bm daily.
-- Is it worthwhile to do colonics before the juice fast? Would I wait until after the initial 2 weeks of colon cleansing?
-- Juice Fast: After the initial colon cleanse I can start the juice fast. The goal is a gallon of juice, with potassium broth and herbal tea daily
-- IF1/IF2 –I know you continue IF#2 while fasting but I was unclear on if I continue IF#1 -
-- Coffee Enemas, daily.
-- Liver Cleanse: I think I do a 5 day prep followed by the 5 day flush. At what point in the 30 days should I do this? Do I do the Blood Detox tincture one?
-- Kidney Cleanse: I think I do a five day cleanse and the Kidney Stone Flush, is this correct? At what point in the 30 days should I do this?
-- Superfood at 6T/daily
-- Echinacea Tincture 10 droppersful daily
-- Herbal Calcium Tincture 8 droppersful daily
-- BF&C tincture, unsure of amount. I think I need to take both Herbal Calcium and BF&C
-- Ashwagandha, I have been off for awhile and thinking of starting again. Is this good to do during the juice fast?
-- Bee pollen: It says work up to 4 tablespoons daily I currently take 2 tsp
-- 3 to 5 raw cloves of garlic minimum daily chopped finely and mixed with juice.
-- Water kefir, I might start this back up during the fast
-- Can you drink coconut water during the fast?
-- Skin brushing - daily (with a natural fiber brush
-- If need add 1/4 teaspoon of bentonite clay/charcoal during fast for constipation
I saw these things below posted but I was unclear on whether they were needed?
--Yellow Dock Tea-I did test low in my iron recently but had been taking blackstrap
--ACV Bomb: I read somewhere that I am supposed to wait until after 30 days of cleansing before I do the ACV bomb so I wasn’t sure if during the fast I would do the items I read below?
--Cayenne Powder - 1 teaspoon 3x daily (start with 1/8 teaspoon and work up to a minimum of a 1/2 teaspoon within 2 weeks). Supplement with Cayenne tincture until 1/2 teaspoon 3x daily is reached
--Raw/organic Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 tablespoon, 3x daily.
--Organic Blackstrap Molasses, 1 tablespoon, 3x daily (mixed with Apple cider Vinegar)
-- St Johns Wort?
-- Daily Nerve Sedative Tincture (or other herbal calmer/sedative, to "take the edge off", relieve stress, and ensure a sound sleep) daily -- Black Walnut Hull Tincture, not sure what this was for?
--Slippery Elm Porridge
Thank you for your help!