Re: beginning stages of cirrhosis/ fibrosis not able to work now- UPDATE
Hi ,
Well it has been hel_. They tested further in September and found that I had high c4a complement. Mold exposure.
some samples I did with Davies labs came up positive for trichdermia absidia bipolaris in fruiting phases.
Links between fibrosis /cirrhosis and mold exposure.
remediators came out tested for moisture found none. I have replaced drywall, repainted, cleaned ducts and carpets.
symptoms are a bit better but the sinus stuff lingers and all the hypersensitivities to food / allergies.
What I figure dout on my own was the leaky gut/ intestinal permeability I have , when left untreated, will cause leaky brain/ bbb permeability. The diet for leaky brain really has to eliminate specific foods/ aminos that make it through the compromised blood brain barrier. Then I researhed and found out there is a link between head trauma causing leaky gut, experimental tbis in mice. I have an MTbI and am post injury about 12 years.
I tried kefir homemeade and developed eczema within a month and have gone off it. turns out acetic acid and leaky gut dont mix. in fact I think the kefir set me back. so I am back on 48 hour cultured yogurt, trying to get back on the GAPS diet, taking chlostramine to clean the liver, still doing
Liver Flushes and coffee enemas.
the fibrosis is much better. the double vision got better manageable anyway until I went on the kefir. i may have yeast sensitivity which triggered the leaky gut or the acetic acid broke the brain barrier down agian and now the loop is started.
i do 520 billion probiotics a day and try to drink
Bentonite clay daily ( hate the taste ).
If I eat real food the liver symptoms come back. If I do green juices or fast things seem to be on an improvement path. Hard to keep up though.
anyway thank you for all the feedback and tips and suggestions.
mighty blessed peace to you all.