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Cliff High sounds like he's high again
Tizona Views: 4,983
Published: 12 y
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Cliff High sounds like he's high again

okay well lets see here…

"a poor woman who refused the smart meter and had her power disconnected in these frigid temperatures"

never happened. Anybody that lives in the northerly climes of the US knows that the law prevents power companies from shutting off your power in the middle of winter. So already he's making up crap

" high energy microwaves beaming out constantly"

wrong. Smart meters do not emit any microwaves whatsoever! they do however emit radiofrequency radiation, which is definitely not the same thing.

"put a little 'cap' of folded aluminium foil over the broadcast bulb of the smart meter. This accomplishes three things instantly: first, it shuts off the microwaves"

Extremely stupid advice!

think about that for a second, does that make sense? If the bulb is broadcasting radio frequencies, than putting some aluminum foil over it isn't going to "stop" the broadcast. It's only going to deflect it, bouncing the radio frequencies that you fear all around etc. The fact he thinks it's going to stop it makes me think he might be a stupid person.

if you're worried about the radiation From your smart meter these two sites have some good information. but I would no longer listen to Clifford because he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about



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