Hey guys! After more internet searching for 'cures' i stumbled across choline and how things like piracetam can decrease levels and cause brain fog...i have never used anything like piracetam but thought why not try it like the 100s of supplements i have. I bought some saturday morning choline/inositol 500mg of each per tablet. I took two tablets straight away...after trying countless supplements i didnt expect or really monitor if it was making any changes...it wasnt until i was in social situations or having conversations that i noticed changes. Things seemed more slowed down and in tune words didnt seem as scrambled i could actually have normal conversations and have since then i have been taking 1000mg in the morning aswell as 1000mg at night. It is early days and im very skeptic about supplements helping but it really does seem to be helping. My physical symptoms are very low aswell almost nothing...it feels like i can hear things properly its like my ears were clogged up for the last 4 years and iv only just realised also my brain doesnt feel 'cotton wolly' which is why i am convinced its the choline and not placebo maybe i was low in choline maybe i wasnt but either way it is helping i will update over the weeks....