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Re: MMS for Bladder Infection

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Original Hulda Clark
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balboa Views: 3,305
Published: 12 y
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Re: MMS for Bladder Infection

I just want to update this post with information about how it went.

I was able to cure the bladder infection without Antibiotics (yay!) but it didn't go quite as I had imagined. Miracle-Mineral-Supplement does not work like an Antibiotic because it's only in your system for a brief time when it can kill some pathogens, but then it's gone so the surviving pathogens can grow back. I found that when I would take a dose the infection would clear (meaning discomfort gone, pee clear), then it would come back the next day. Not worse or anything, just back.

I tried taking a dose of 3 drops several times per day, but that was not strong enough to take down the infection, so I had to take more at a time. I found in the end that 4 drops was enough. I found that if I tried to take it three times a day I would get that depleted feeling that means I'm taking too much Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .

So what I did in the end was to take one dose per day of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to reduce the discomfort of the infection and give my body room to muster its own defences. After about 5 days I still had some cloudiness in my pee but no more pain and I stopped the MMS altogether at that point. Several days later the pee was entirely clear.

So here's the protocol I would use to clear a bladder infection with MMS:
Take a dose whenever the infection becomes uncomfortable and make the dose just strong enough to have an effect. Stronger will not add extra benefit. For me that is 4 drops (activated with citric acid ). Do this until the discomfort of the infection stops coming back. Then let your body continue the healing process.

It would probably be a good idea to drink cranberry juice as well, but not right at the same time as the MMS. I didn't happen to have any cranberry juice, but I would have used it if I did.


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