19 y
Re: I have audios and lemons
MH posted once, if your ill, drink 3 juiced lemons, if your really sick, drink 6 juiced lemons, if you think your going to die, juice 10 lemons mix with honey or maple syrup and drink it.
I can understand why you would be angry at Mother God. I just wonder if you know Her? Our Mother God? Maybe if you listened to some free windows and real time audios at (type in the word audio in the search box)and see what free audios you want to hear. I suspect you have only learned about the pope edited contrived Father God and I really wish you would get to know our Mother God and see if She can help you see thru any dark clouds and confusion.
Drinking oranges juiced dispells depression also, all that sunshine in the oranges, and putting good thoughts from our Mother God in your head will feed your thoughts better thoughts then guns and pills. Listen to an audio tape about our Mother God and Her 24/7 love for us in the above link.