Bad Breath - Tonsil Stones & PND
I'm 19 years old and fist started getting tonsil stones, in my left tonsil, a little over a year ago; (I've only ever had them in my left tonsil, it's twice the size of my right tonsil, and is covered with deep crypts) they never used to give me too much trouble, aside from an annoying feeling in the back of my throat, and the occasional bad taste in my mouth, but when that would happen I'd just scoop any visible stones out, and that would be that.
Recently however, I've realized I have bad breath, I've never noticed it myself, it doesn't seem to be as bad as some of the other people I've read about, I don't get reactions from strangers when I speak, or walk by, which makes me think it's only noticeable when I'm really close to someone, however, my mother has told me I in the past that I have bad breath, and recently my boyfriend mentioned it, which was very embarrassing, and has left me desperate for a cure.
I've never really had good oral hygiene, but over the last two weeks I have began brushing my teeth and using mouthwash, 2-4 times a day. After a week of that I haven't gotten any visible stones in quite some time, but aside from that, there hasn't been much results, I still get the bad taste in my throat, and assume, I still have the bad breath. Since than I've been reading other cures online, and started a little routine that I'm hoping will help. It goes something like this.
Every morning, when I first wake up I check for tonsil stones (I use a flashlight and the looped end of a bobby pin to scoop the insides of my crypts for any possible stones,) than I do a warm salt water gargle, after the salt water gargle, I take 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, and swab my tonsil with it (I don't just swab them a bit, I make extra sure to get the peroxide into each crypt so it can kill any possible "Stone Forming" bacteria) I let it foam up and do it's thing for a few minutes, before rinsing with warm water, I check again for any stones the peroxide may have been dislodged, after that I do a straight peroxide gargle for at least 2 minutes, and follow up with a warm salt water gargle, I brush my teeth, and use mouthwash. I repeat the process again before bed.
I've been doing this routine for about a week now, and I still get that bad taste in my mouth sometimes. I went to the doctor a couple days ago regarding the situation, I never outright stated that I had tonsil stones, since I didn't have any visible stones at the time to backup my "theory" but I did tell him all my other symptoms, and stated that I had gotten "White chunks" in my tonsils from time to time. He did a throat swab, which I am waiting for the results from, and also mentioned that I have a Post Nasal Drip (I noticed symptoms of it about 3 weeks ago), which he gave me Nasonex for.
I've never had any of the really bad tonsil stone symptoms I've heard of people having, the only thing that really bothers me is the bad breath, which I only just learnt of.
My questions are, do you think the routine I've been doing will have any affect on my bad breath, or just the stones? and which of the issues do you think is really causing my bad breath, the stones, or the PND? I haven't had visible stones in quite some time, and I never had comments regarding my bad breath, until I started getting symptoms of the PND. Also, is it possible to treat bad breath caused by tonsil stones? or is it something I will have to have my tonsils removed in order to make any sort of impact? Is there anything else I can do to get rid of the bad breath? or a way for me to test if I still have it myself?
Please help, this problem has been eating away at my self esteem for quite some time now, and I just want to know how to be free of it.