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Re: what is a cyst?
Larsy1566 Views: 7,063
Published: 12 y
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Re: what is a cyst?

I have found a lot of these and then my daughter was eating some raw sweet peppers and I saw the seeds which resemble the picture of the cyst in this picture. I'm not saying that your picture is not a tapeworm cyst. I'm just saying that if someone wanted to compare a tapeworm cyst to something, they could use a sweet pepper seed as an example. I'm still trying to figure out what is going on with me. I do have a lot of yellow discharge which is also a little red so it looks almost orange. The worst part of what I am going through is that my brain fog (which I really never had a problem with) is so bad that I can't concentrate on anything. It happened this past spring, slowly but now I can barely make a simple decision. I have a family Dr. appt. tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to say without the Dr. sending me to the looney bin :( I know I'm not crazy but I'm too weak to keep explaining this and trying to convince even my closest family members what is going on. Hope you see this or anyone else who would like to add anything for some help. Sincerely, Larsy1566


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