As is true in many of the cancer foundations and events, there are some good quality companies involved and no end of good people - thousands of people - who have only the best of intentions. However, the sad truth is that the cancer-causers and cancer-profiteers have flocked to those organizations and have essentially hijacked them in many ways to help hide their culpability and increase their profits.
I find it so shameful and disconcerting to see the good-intentioned efforts of so many people misdirected by organizations which steer public attention and research funds away from the true culprits of cancer - namely toxins - and towards the same old genetic research and the same tried and failed mainstream treatments which try to cut out, poison out or burn out the mere symptoms of cancer without addressing the root causes and without effecting a lasting cure. And only give lip service to prevention - which is, after all, the best way to beat cancer.