Even with an only 10% rate of disabiling a virus or bacteria will with time give you a clean out, just will take longer. A 50% rate will work pretty fast either way this is better than radioisotopes being injected in your body killing off good tissues! Not to mention the other drugs with their very bad side effects(including death!) A slow recovery without killing your body is preferable. In cancer they dont take count of who is alive after 5 years when they figure their statistics, so when you look at what they are telling you ask how many are alive after 5 years, they will ignore you or say that does not make any difference! Or you will get that "Look" of who are you to ask such a question? I am the son of my mother who had cancer and wanted to know! They did not like it and my mother told them to tell me cause she wanted to know also. I was 15yrs old when this started. I am now 54 and never have been given a straight answer!