No More Heart Disease 3 Nobel Prize Winners Discovery That They don't Want You To Know
We do have a solution to help people recover from heart disease. It was back in 1998 that 3 doctors won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of Nitric Oxide and the natural supplements people can take to help your body restore its Nitric Oxide levels.
Every thing depends on Blood Flow. Blood Flow will determine if you will have a heart attack or stroke, leg amputations or not, blood clotting or not, Normal kidney function or not, Liver function or not. Cellular death occurs slowly due to lack of circulation.” On the other hand cellular health and longevity will increase when you maintain a strong blood flow.
When NO (Nitric Oxide) is formed in nerve cells, it spreads rapidly in all directions, activating all cells in the vicinity. This can modulate many functions, from behavior to gastrointestinal motility. but big pHarma does NOT want people to know because they can't make money from a natural herb. Most people would rather go along with chemical prescription drugs than to seek out natural alternative proven to work. I did a blog post called " Helping You To Have Better Heart Health"
Take a few minutes and learn about the 3 Nobel Prize winners that discovered Nitric Oxide which can eliminate plaque build up and restore heart health.