daniel mate i put it to you as i see it. please dont take this as a negative vibe at you or anything like that. BUT f***CKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKC BRO!!! YOUR LIPS LOOK ABSOULETELY SHOCKING! your a great guy and you know i dont lie your lips look inflammed the corners of your lips look like there having a reaction and your bottom lip looks really really inflammed. i really think you should maybe drop all this natural stuff and try something along the lines like healing or vunk or something at least these guys still can go out in public and hang out with people and people dont notice anyhting is up except if they really look closely at your lips. i work now and most people dont really care when they look at my lips they just think i have had chapped lips or something and some people give there lips a quick lick thats it. f*** some people dont even notice anything! Please have a break and go find a cream that can manage your ec for a few weeks so you can go out and hang with your mates and be 80% normal for a few weeks. i dont know why you post those kind of pictures what do you want people to say? your lips look good or something? surely you can see your lips are very bad at the moment! also have you ever tried writing to like opera or someone like that??? surely someone would want to help us? write a letter to obama or something. if he had ec im sure the derms would quickly come up with a cure or a proper way of treating this bad boii!