Re: Is there a natural cure for COPD or pulmonary disorders?
Dear Friend,
Anti-biotics, Steroids and Anti-Fungal medicines, may suppress the ILD, IPF , SARCOIDOSIS , CF , COPD symptomatically for a little while, but the side effects and the disease itself, accelerating under the table, shall create a scarier situation, sooner.
It's because these medicines are not the solution. They might seem to be in the short term, but sooner they themselves become a problem, along with the one you already had.
Out of these, the Steroids are the worst . Once you start taking them, it's like you are enslaved for life. No wonder, things get worse.
They all shall ultimately lead you to a false hope of surgery and transplantation.
If you have not yet started on these chemical medicines, specially the steroids, then our herbal jam called Featherchest shall for ever save you from them and also contain the disease itself. But if you are on them, it shall stall their side effects and shall prevent the situation in which their dosage needs to increase. It shall stabilize you. Once you are stabilized, with further instructions and guidelines, you can slowly taper these medicines off and you shall feel a lot better.
Search for Featherchest on ebay. If you do not find it, it means it is sold and got off the selling list. It takes 24 hrs to relist. You check again.
God Bless.