anybody would know from their research?
I think clearing the toxoplasma uncovered a HUGE worm - I always knew it's there, but unbelievably even if it's so huge it can hide that one doesn't know it's there until something makes it "naked" again and it's felt again
this is not d-latum (about which I knew I have/had but the freq. don't destroy it so I doubt this could be it) which is supposed to be the longest one
also, seems this is not taenia hydatigene (one that's suppposed to be very large too) becaus once again, no amount of time running the proper freq. get them (destroy them)
I know I'm not the only one having this, but maybe most people even don't feel it because as I said, this monster is a master of hiding from you ever feel it unless something really disturbs it
if anybody out there had an experience with a really large
Tapeworms (and or other worms)pls reply if you know what this could be
I'm refusing to believe this is not killeable by the frequencies (because it's not killable by anything else either) - it must just be the case that this beast is simply "unknown"; if the right freq.hits them they must go, that's what I need to believe