Benign Tumor
I have the mms at home..
Have not started yet
Today as an experiment I took 3 drops of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in the morning on an empty stomach... I ate 5c of blueberries 3 hourss later..
I felt nothing...
I have a HUGE benign tumor in my retroperitonium area.. (spelling?)
This is the SPACE between our organs...
Its in the abdomen area, on my right side.
NOT attached to anything..
It is 19cmx15x14.
It is affecting my organs...
I DO NOT want to have surgery as bits of any organs it is touching will also have to come out to prevent recurrence...
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement help my body eliminate this?
I have read that it does not work on tumors...????
I did a 23 day WATER only fast and ended about 3 weeks ago...
I have been VEGAN for 19 years, High raw for 6..
I am LOST as to what to eat as well..
My eat ONLY fruit/veg...
MOST all have Vit c
I am also drinking LOADS of carrot juice.....
I have no idea when to take this stuff, as I eat/drink every 2-3 hours
ALL My food has vit c...
Typical meal is 8-10 bananas.... or any other piece of fruit...