Re: swollen left eyes - my 6 yo daughter
thanks so much. we went to a chiro this morning.. but was told they are fully booked for the whole day and that they usually dont take in walk in applicants.. anyway, I still asked for an appointment on Tuesday.. hopefully my daughter can get "adjusted" by then"
we went to a local TCM clinic (not your normal TCM clinic that just despenses herb).. my daughter had nose spa therapy (for her dry cough ... doctor said that her swollen eye and her cough are interrelated and were triggerd by allergy..
- no more egg, chicken, dairy for at least 5 days and see if there are improvments
- ideal that i keep her from eating known allernes such as egg, chicken, dairy for at least 5 months
- will go back tomorrow for another nose therapy
seemed like her swollen eye also responded to the nose therapy, it subsided... right after the nose spa..
only to get swollen again after a few hours.. then I used hot and cold compress (using tea bags)... responded really really well...
i also made a charcoal poultice.. now the swelling is almost unnoticeable...
she took 2 teaspoons of Max Restore and also oregano/raspberry tea.. (refuses that oregano oil).. so I will just use it in the room (steam for 2 hours) with closed doors (strong dose).. then milder dose.. while she is sleeping...
cleaning our bedroom now.. removing clutter and dust..
pretty sure that this will go away soon.. thank you very much