Dr Mercola still isnt up to par when it comes to iodine, but he recommends some when ratiaton. Just to set the record straight; compare the accident in Japan compared to Chernobyl;
"The Harvard Health Letter included the following chart, showing how a 400 millisievert per hour exposure compares to other common types of radiation exposure.
Millisieverts Millirems
Chest x-ray 0.1 10
Two-view mammogram 0.36 36
Average annual background exposure in the U.S. 3 300
Cardiac nuclear stress test 9.4 940
CT scan of the abdomen 10 1,000
Coronary angiogram 20 2,000
Average exposure of evacuees from Belarus after 1986 Chernobyl disaster 31 3,100
Annual dose limit* for nuclear power plant workers 50 5,000
Spike recorded at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant 400 40,000
Acute radiation sickness begins 1,000 (or 1 sievert) 100,000
This article could have been good, but Mercola fail, really bad IMO; like,
"It is inappropriate, foolhardy and dangerous to be taking
Iodine supplements at this time," Wartofsky said. "It's very important to hold off until it's absolutely necessary."
When it is necessary, it may be to late!!!
They dont know a thing it seems;
"Fortunately this is easily remedied with sources of supplemental iodine. Dr. Brownstein recommends about 12.5 mg every day, which is about what the Japanese typically would consume in their diet. He believes this will provide about 95 percent of the protection that the 130 mg one-time adult dose that is currently recommended by public health authorities for radiation prophylaxis."
-we all know that 90 % of the
Iodine is excreted within 24 hours. 130 mg ONCE will work for one day. Maybe two, but not the third.
The ratiation does not stop the third day.
The 12,5 mg daily is probably good to set off fluoride and some bromide, but radiation, noo.
What`s very positive is that the health ranger has set his focus on iodine. I really applaud it, as I never saw this 5 years ago.