Neurolink, in the end, did not help me, and I had a major setback. I, therefore, have come back to this old posting and I revoke my recommendation of NIS, as a cure for Ptsd. For a very expensive modality, it merely was a bandaid effect. NIS deals with the brain, which is at the mercy of our soul (mind,will and emotions) and spirit. I have had tremendous healing happen from seeking the spiritual roots of this horrible illness, namely meditation on Psalms 23,91 and Romans 8:29-39 (my eyes literally burning holes into those pages)and speaking countless other scriptures out loud into the atmosphere. In accompaniment, I read and followed the teachings of a book called "A More Excellent Way:Be in Health" by Henry Wright. I can't say enough about how life changing this book has been for me on my road to healing. It is possible!