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Day Forty Eight!!!!
M.O.G. Views: 1,938
Published: 19 y

Day Forty Eight!!!!

Ahhhh, the spice 4 life.

It is so refreshing to have such a clear, concise outlook on life. Feels like all the cobwebs have been cleared from my mind and soul and body.

I am getting a taste of the stuff that legends are made of.

I spent most of the day working around the house, inside and outside. Cleared all the blue tape from the bathroom remodel, cleaned up the tarps, put away the leftover supplies. Wired and put in the new light bar today. And then there was light, wow, that six bulb light bar really puts out the lumens,lol. Just about blinded me,lol. Hung the bathroom door back up, cleaned everything real nice and stood back and surveyed my handiwork. Feels good, thats all I can say.

Juiced and drank my oranges. Took my bf&c capsules and my olive leaf capsules. Took my morning dose of dewormer. Drank some spice 4 life as well. Mixed up my no crash ball and sucked on that too. Had my three drops of oregano oil in water. Same stuff, different day. I think i'll have a little coconut water tonight as a treat. I keep forgeting to eat some almonds, will have to try and remember that too.

You just gotta be sick of this by now, aren't ya?

Boring old M.O.G. doing the same old thing, day in and day out. Jeez, doesn't this guy have a life or what?

So I also did some stretching, and 100 push ups of varying hand widths. I can't wait for the day that I can do 1000 push ups. Wouldn't that be a feat?

Starting the countdown timer, twelve days left until picture and testimony day. Looking forward to it.

This year I have only eaten solid food for a two week period, other than that I have fasted the whole time. That sounds so stange, doesn't it?

Have a great night, talk to ya later,



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