No trouble at all Glaxony.
Your taking Colloidal Silver every full moon? you mean everyday hopefully and several times a day.?
Osteopenia is of course a lower bone mineral density than is considered to be normal, and sometimes a precursor for Osteoporosis.
The bones are living tissues and respond accordingly to nutrition. There are so many variables here it is difficult to know what to say, but if I were you I would take a good quality CS such as Silver Sol and probably 3 to 4 times per day at about the 20ml dose. Once the virus responsible for Hep C has been dealt with after about 10 days on CS, I would then fast: this will improve absorption of nutrients and resolve your Osteopenia, and post-fast this has to be a quality organic diet and preferably with a quality Marine Phytoplankton. After the refeeding period I would also begin a rebounding exercise routine that will strengthen your bones.