Oleander extract and N-Acetyl Cysteine are two essential components of our suggestednatural anti-cancer protocol. We also like vitamin C and recommend a healthy diet and regular physical activity, among many other things. Here is a testimonial received earlier today by Naturopathic PhD Marc Swanapoel (who devised the Sutherlandia OPC oleander-based supplement line) about a person who is a pancreatic cancer survivor:
I just want to give you a brief feedback on my sister-in-law’s health. She is doing well so far, a year and a half after the operation (pancreatic cancer), supported by continuous supplement of S/OPC, NAC and buffered vitamin C, exercise and a health-ish diet. The check-ups show she is in remission. She gained her normal weight, feels fantastic and more optimistic than ever. She hasn’t got even a flu or a head cold for the same period and claims it is due to the S/OPC. The follow up check up is at the end of this month. I believe you have saved her life. E.G.