Re: OT Get your flu shot or you lose your job buddy....
Big Pharma wins again. "They" won't stop until we are diseased - easier to put into death camps? Don't know for sure, just a theory.
Do what was done in the 60's/70's MAJOR WALK OUT. Just leave the job and DEMAND rights to protect one's health.
It is going to get worse. And what's funny, these goofy knowitalls haven't a clue it is ALL MARKETING. False tests. Fake percentages.
The flu vaccs are NOT 100%, prolly not even 10% in prevention. It's HAND WASHING. Covering mouth. Proper diet and supplements.
The harmful chemicals contained in vaccs are UNREAL.
Ask them, "does this guarantee I won't get the flu? (for you will). "Can you assure me I won't have a reaction soon after or in the future?" "Can you tell me the ingredients and the country of origin?"
Really. This smacks of third world gestapo tactics more and more. What's next? Can't travel. Can't protest. Guns will be removed...