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Re: I Need Help With Angular Cheilitis
yandi123 Views: 32,955
Published: 12 y

Re: I Need Help With Angular Cheilitis

Another alternative that you can do to cure Angular Cheilitis is:

1. Anti-virus
Anti-virus, such as Valtrex, Famvir and Zovirax is used to treat oral herpes is contagious condition that causes a wound and cracked around the mouth. Antiviral drugs work by slowing the progression of the virus, allowing the body to fight it.

2.Anti-fungal ointment
Anti-fungal ointment, such as Neosporin, to provide healing infection that infects the lips. Joel Gallant, MD, a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins, recommend the use of antifungal drugs to treat Angular Cheilitis, which is characterized by inflammation and sores on the lip surface, at the corner of the mouth and around the mouth.

3. This one is an alternative that is widely recommended because they proved to be, and many people are successfully treated with this medication as an Angular Cheilitis treatment for information visit


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