Re: Cures-Hemorrhoids
The product you mentioned is not one that I'm familiar with, however, there is a remedy that I know works for me. It's not a cure but during a couple recent bouts of swelling and inflamed hemmorhoids this method has brought relief within two to three days.
This is from Dr John Christopher's herbal reference book in which he suggests various herb teas used as an injection. Among the suggested herbs is red raspberry leaf (RRL), which is an herb I usually have on hand for various ailments. Doc John used this for various ailments including menstrual cramps. Among the beneficial effects this will act as an astringent.
The method - " injection " - is pretty simple. Get yourself a large plastic syringe from a med or pharma outlet, one that will hold a couple
ounces of liquid. Then brew a cup or so of RRL tea. I tend to prefer strong batch but you can make as strong or weak as you like... am not familiar with any problems with taking too strong of a dose. Bring water to boil, add tea leaves, turn off heat and let steep for at least 20 minutes, then allow to cool before loading the syringe. Put the rest of the batch in a jar and keep in the frig for use during the next few days. I prefer doing this standing in the tub after a shower but can be done lying down if you prefer. It will help to use a smal amount of lubricant on both the tip of syringe as well as the rectum. I've also found that it helps to lubricate the rubber portion of the plunger as this will make it easier to smoothly control how strongly you inject the liquid inside the low colon; I use olive oil. Insert the tip of syringe into rectum, inject as gently as you can, you don't want to blast it into but once the plunger starts to move it generall squirts pretty abruptly; retain. Feel free to also drink some of the tea, preferably hot. RRL is pretty mild and should not require sweetening.
There may be some urge to evacuate but if you wait 10 minute or so this will probably pass.... we're only talking 1 to 2
ounces of liquid being injected. Eventually the liquid is absorbed into the colon. The idea is to inject the tea into the lower part - maybe up to 6
inches or so - of the colon. This tends to be the spot from where the hemmy's " grow"
My experience has been that by the third day the inflamation and swelling is gone. Good luck.