urgent question please reply
Hi, I'm 29 years old and there is something that I really need to know about which is very important to me. I need to know about this matter as soon as possible so I can also mention it to my doctor. I have fibrocystic breasts and I have been in lots of pain for more than 3 months. The past couple of weeks I feel worse and I was told my left breast is very, very dense. My doctor and I felt something in my left breast and I'm in lots of pain and worry from this. I had breast ultrasound done and due to being so dense the image doesn't show anything. I'm going to have breast MRI done with contrast next week which I was told breast MRI shows on dense breasts.
I do know that
Iodine intake is helpful for fibrocystic breasts. I heard some things here on this site that rubbing decolorized
Iodine on the breasts can help the pain and make the tenderness go away. I want to know is such thing true because I really want to try this? I bought decolorized
Iodine from the pharmacy last week and I want to use it but I don't know why I'm scared to.
If I rub decolorized iodine on my breasts, is it 100% safe? Does it have any side effects? How much of it should I use? How often do you think I should use?
I can't find anyone to know about rubbing iodine on fibrocystic breasts and it's hard to find someone or a doctor about this. Since I saw this site I want to know what you think from all this and if you can give me more information regarding rubbing iodine on the breasts so I can give such information to my doctor.
I really do appreciate your help in this very much. I will be looking forward to your reply.
Thank You,