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Re: Possible cause of Morgellons found by Dr. in Scottsdale.

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Bugbuster Views: 2,159
Published: 13 y
This is a reply to # 2,018,909

Re: Possible cause of Morgellons found by Dr. in Scottsdale.

No doubt, dental work was never meant to happen to our bodies and yes I have had plenty done.

As we know dental work exposes us to deadly chemicals and beats up our immune system, the gatekeeper of  our bodies that keeps the body alive.

Constantly working 24/7 to protect us from anything that threatens us including chemicals.

I had M lesions all over my body. Some were very large and extremely painful and distrubing because of the vibrating in my body.

Since that time, I have learned a tremendous amount of understanding of how the immune system works to help me survive.

Though the immune system initially didn't recognize M in my body, as I learned to clean up my system and eat well as if my life depended on it, all the sores healed and didn't come back.

When I was covered with the sores, I realized that the immune system couldn't recognize this invader since there was no infection response and also no healing response. Just fake scabs with fibers.

Fast forward to today without all the horrible details.....

I am doing much better, but this progress didn't happen overnight. I still have the silicone (where the fibers grow from) in my body. I see the cycle happen when I cut or scrape myself.

Because we are all constantly exposed through chemtrails, etc. I plan on keeping up with a diligent regimen of improving my health habits daily.

Fibers and goo in...Fibers and goo out.

Though the immune system doesn't respond to this manmade plague, the intelligence of the body does and keeps it from killing us.

Fight this crap with everything you have, stay connected with others and learn what works for you.

God bless,





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