I am wondering if I should do a cleanse first and then do the Paratrex and then the Oxypowder . It seems that everyone starts off with a certain procedure to eliminate their problems with parasites. What do you recommend? I am seriously contemplating on getting Paratrex, but I am still doing some research on it and always debating with myself weither or not to buy it. I already purchased diatomaceous earth food grade in hopes of it working to get rid of all my parasites. It's so freaky having to feel them in your body and last night was THE SCARRIEST of all because they were so actively crawling in my back and in my stomach. I can't stand being like this anymore and I just hear horror stories of parasites. I read that some people who use Paratrex or diatomeaceous earth get constipated. Is that true? I am currently doing a Bentonite clay and psyllium husk cleanse 2x a day, so I'm wondering if that's enough to clear them out and subside any die-off from cleansing. Give me some feedback, thanks.