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Re: Candida Albicans mannan and immune suppression mechanisms.
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Re: Candida Albicans mannan and immune suppression mechanisms.

I don't know if your papers are false or true, I suggest you look at more recent ones as well as the old ones.

I have seen one study where IL-17 cured mice, another where it made them worse. They conflict with each other. It could be due to the genetics of the mice used in the studies, or who knows why ???

GM-CSF has cured chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis in humans. Also, GM-CSF has put crohn's in remission, as well as prevented it in persons genetically susceptible to the disease. But it only cures a certain percentage.

I think you are talking about plasmapheresis top remove mannan or whatever it is. For most people this won't work (because they do not have mannan or other plasma inhibitor), but if you are fortunate enough to have a plasma inhibitor (there are tests for that) it might.

After plasmapheresis, delayed hypersensitivity and lymphoproliferative responses to soluble antigens were temporarily restored.

Here is another possibility: autoimmune antibodies against IL-17 or IL-22 (immune system attacks itself).


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