Re: Five straight days now anxiety low
Thank you.
But, I just had a crash.
Had nother herpes outbreak and been taking garlic, Monolaurin and Lysine to get this under control and I believe even taking these has caused my body to work harder, just confirming that my adrenals are still bad.
Now I can barely walk again. Amazing that now a herpes outbreak will cause me to crash. Myimmune system is so bad. Wonder if "Resihi" mushroom would help immune support. Need to talk to doctor abut this.
I'm going to have my next consult with my naturopathic dr. next month and will discuss tis with him.
I suppose I should even cut back more on my suppl. I'm taking a multi, but wanting to change to a powder Barley green" as it has all the nutrients in it. And stick with the C, Calcium-magnesium and flaxseed oil.
I do periodically take B6 and B5 in low doses.
I do have to support my adrenals per dr. with licorice, pregnanlone and adrenal cortex while I've been weaning off the hydorcortisone, or else dr. said I'd really crash bad. But, can only handle 1/2 capsule of the adrneal cortex. Few times I've upped to a whole capsule I get bad anxiety.
What all were you once on and what did you cut back to? and how you felt intime with this?
Thank you. Paulette