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Re: DMSO Mouth swish.
Tony Isaacs Views: 2,524
Published: 13 y
This is a reply to # 2,015,930

Re: DMSO Mouth swish.

People have reported beating cancer with DMSO alone, though I would surely add in other items.  It is usually recommended that you dilute it for oral use (you can swallow it too) as well as for topical use above the waist.  For some reason, it tends to create a rash when applied above the waist but not usually so below the waist - and that has been my exact experience.

I see no problem with adding in the items you are mentioning. I can't readily find my book on DMSO, but I am thinking that the dilution for topical use above the waist is 50/50 and perhaps dilute 5 to 1 if it is to be swallowed.

If you get yours from Tulsa, then you probably get it from the same company I bought from (FWI).  However, what I bought was a 16 ounce bottle.  I consider that to be pretty large and it has lasted a long time. The bottle I have says 99% pure.  It also says that it isn't intended for humans - lol. 



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