I just wanted to thank you for seeking the Lord.
Why you are most welcome and thank you for your kind words :).
How are you doing on the fast?
11.5 days completed and all is well. Would a part of me really love to eat? Yes! But i reject this in Jesus name. Only very mild nausea has hit which has come and gone and i have been keeping it more minimal by going very easy on the dry segments.
I know you are seeking the true Bread of life and our Lord will not disappoint you.
Amen to this. I truly am and He truly will not.
He will not give you a stone either as some on the other forum would have you believe.
I so agree since my whole day is filled with worshiping Him in one way or another. thank you :).
I know you will not become discouraged by all the negativity over there.
No, i thrive on speaking the truth of the Lord against a tide of lies and i believe it is an important part of my calling along with praying deliverance, holy blessings and healing for people. It has made a few of these days seem to pass faster :). As i see it, all of the persecution that comes with being a true disciple of the Lord Jesus living holy unto Him has only refined and strengthened me.
I don't always agree with you either, but I believe you are seeking the true Jesus of the Bible and not another.
Why thank you rainy, and i believe you are seeking the true Jesus as well :). Also, i don't always agree with you but i do always think you're awesome ; ).
I don't believe you are perfect yet and I don't think you do either. If you did believe that I doubt you would be seeking God with fasting and prayer. There would be no need right?
No you are right that i don't believe i am perfect. I fast to come into an even more deeply intimate loving relationship with my Father, my Lord Jesus and my Holy Spirit. I want to know and experience their holy presence and their guiding voices on a yet immensely deeper level. I am deeply confident that a 40 day fast unto the Lord would accomplish this should i make it this far.
The devil is pretty upset with you for seeking the Lord so hard. That's what is probably causing the raging battle over there.
I believe this too. Did you know that i was on my 20 day fast when the other big cz war was fought with doc and chette?
I do believe that we all should examine what another says no matter how hard he seeks God. Our Lord told us to do this in His word.
Yes, we all need wisdom and discernment from the Lord. Our demonic realm enemy can be defeated in Jesus name and with holy living, but is not to be underestimated or ignored.
May you come out of this fast with an even greater discernment and greater gifts. May they be magnified many times over. :)
Many thanks to you Rainy and i wish this same wonderful blessing upon you!