The main common cause of candida is antibiotics or antibacterials. I know many people that eat extremely acidic diets and don't have candida issues. But as soon as you put them on long-term antibiotics their health will take a turn for the worst in a hurry. Candida releases damaging enzymes that can degrade tissue( cause inflammation), along with toxic ammonia and acetaldehyde. These substances are not acid forming, but intensify inflammation . As far as I know, Candida does not release acid forming substances(therefore not creating acidosis), nor does it need an acidic environment to thrive in . Candida adapts to either an alkaline or acidic environment. Science has proven this. Look at all the acid type substances that have anti-fungal qualities: Caprylic acid, Undecenoic acid, Lauric acid, Capric Acid, Etc....
Our beneficial bacteria produces beneficial acids(acetic acid, lactic acid, butyric acid) to keep Candida in check and to assist in digestion/elimination. Unfortunately, alkalinity by itself does not replace or restore the balance of our beneficial flora that has been lost through antibiotics or anti-bacterials. I wish it was that easy.